Mark Stevens and Will Makra
Hello everyone, and welcome to my website. I’ve been singing harmony for as long as I can remember. In 1998, I joined the Windsor Sun Parlour Chorus (Now the Essex Vocal Express), and sang tenor in the barbershop style. I enjoyed other choruses and many quartets over the years, and competed on stage countless times.
These days, I am thrilled to be singing baritone for my a cappella quintet, Curbstone. We sing in 4 or 5 part harmony, depending on the arrangement. Aidan Scott is our incredible beat-boxer (vocal percussionist), but is also blessed with a beautiful and dynamic singing voice.
Curbstone can be seen here, singing the National Anthem for the London Lightning basketball team:
That’s Phil Rance on bass, and Aidan’s dad, Ian, on lead. Aren’t they great? 🙂
And that leaves Will Makra. Will is a very talented fellow. He creates all of our learning tracks, and does so for other ensembles as well. We often work together on projects, and between the two of us, create the bulk of Curbstone’s repertoire.
I am also blessed to be singing bass in UMIX (Undercover Mix), an amazing mixed ensemble, 40-strong, based out of Woodstock, Ontario.
I started arranging seriously about 15 years ago, but only in the last 5 years have I had the time to really enjoy it. Please check out my Arrangements page for a list of some of my charts.
I’m looking forward to creating an arrangement for your group, regardless of size and voice parts.